By: Erin
Posted: February 12, 2024
Every year, Mandy and I load up EMN with new shows and movies. Obviously, we are subject to the space on the drive, and some years we have more to consider than other, but it’s fun to take stock of things we’ve watched recently or to check out shows that have made a splash or we stumble upon accidentally on streaming services, and consider how they may fit the overall vision of EMN. I see EMN as an art project as much as a piece of entertainment, and it’s not enough for a piece of art to just be enjoyable to us. The criteria is loose, but much like horror, we know it when we see it.
The EMN programming guide has been updated with this year’s additions, and thanks to a great suggestion by Mandy you can actually tell what they are thanks to the cute “New” GIF marking each one. EMN only gets better every year, and I hope to keep that up.